From accounting to inventory, small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) need various systems to function, and managing them simultaneously is a colossal task. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software can help you manage these systems efficiently and improve business performance.
Manage your business better with ERP
How do I create an effective Facebook ad?
Facebook has uses that go way beyond posting cat photos, complaining about restaurants, or stalking your ex — it’s also an incredibly effective advertising platform. From small businesses to big corporations, anyone can benefit from Facebook’s marketing tools.
Cyberthreats and the finance sector
The financial sector has long been heavily targeted by cybercriminals. Over the years, the number of attacks that involved extortion, social engineering, and credential-stealing malware has surged rapidly. This means that financial institutions should strive to familiarize themselves with the threats and the agents behind them.
How to minimize Wi-Fi hiccups
Today, you simply can’t survive without a Wi-Fi connection. Businesses need fast, secure, and reliable internet to get work done and satisfy customers. But what about when you experience Wi-Fi issues? These fixes ought to do the trick!
Range constraints
Wi-Fi works via radio waves that are broadcast from a central hub, usually a piece of hardware known as a router.
Why is HTTPS important?
Many internet users still do not understand what the padlock icon in their web browser’s address bar is for. It represents HTTPS, a security feature that authenticates websites and protects the information users submit to them. This is an important feature that lets users know whether the site they are visiting is secure or not.
Lessons from a disaster recovery plan audit
Why do some companies fail their disaster recovery plan (DPR) audit? Perhaps because they did not get the right information for it. They say experience is the best teacher; thus, nothing beats what you can learn from real-world case studies. See what you can learn from the following case.
Groups, Yammer, and Teams: What are they?
While most Office 365 apps serve a unique purpose, tools like Outlook Groups, Yammer, and Microsoft Teams can all be used for office communication and collaboration. However, there are small differences in the way they can be used. Let us break it down for you.
Fileless malware: Are you at risk?
Over the past few years, the security industry has been witnessing a rapid evolution in attack techniques, including fileless malware, which uses legitimate tools and services such as existing software, applications, and authorized protocols to carry out malicious activities such as unauthorized data retrieval or data damage.
Expect CPU shortages until late 2019
Consumers and businesses increasingly rely on powerful computers to run high-tech applications. But in the coming months, they may have issues obtaining the PCs they need. Since 2018, Intel has reported a processor shortage, which some experts believe may not be resolved until the latter half of 2019. Read on to learn more.
The dangers of the web and how to stay safe
You probably go to great lengths to keep yourself safe, whether at home or in public. But what happens when you get online? Learn more about how you could be exposing yourself and your personal information over the internet so you can stay safe.
With the headlines about data breaches and cyberattacks greeting you every time you go online, it seems impossible to have a surefire, foolproof way to keep your information secure.